How much time do you put into the way you look every day? While this number is different for everyone, investing some time into your appearance can really help you to go out into the world more confidently and feel better about yourself. I started going to spas and salons a few months back, and it was really nifty to see how many services they offered that could really improve my life. I decided that it would be incredible to work with other people to teach them about spas and salons, since they can make you feel renewed and refreshed.
19 May 2020
You may primarily associate intravenous drips with medical offices and hospitals. However, IV drip therapy is a new trend for health and vitality. It's a safe procedure that can be performed in a comfortable, spa-like setting. Before you get your first IV drip treatment, you'll want to know what you're getting into. Here are four facts that will help you understand what IV drip therapy is: 1. Vitamins are administered during IV drip treatment.
29 December 2019
Being self-conscious to be in a bikini in front to friends and family is not a game anybody wants to play, but it's how most people feel. If you are fit but you have loose skin around your abdomen because of either pregnancies or losing a lot of weight, then getting into a bikini may not be something that you'd even consider. What if you could go on your next beach vacation and get into a midriff-bearing swimsuit without feeling worried about what others thought of you?
28 October 2019
Just because breast implant surgery is an elective surgery doesn't mean that you can skip the recovery period. Breast augmentation is a serious surgery, and as such, it requires a real recovery period. Here are a few ways to prepare for recovery. 1. Be Prepared for the Pain Breast augmentation surgery will leave you in a little pain and discomfort. It is common to feel like your chest area is really tight or like there is additional pressure on your chest area after your surgery.
30 September 2019
Now that fall has officially arrived, maybe you are already planning what you'll do for the holidays. If your plans include attending parties or hosting parties, you must be looking forward to those events. Part of the fun is dressing up, right? From making beauty salon appointments early to selecting the clothes for your different holiday events, here are some ideas that might help you to be a real glamour queen at each of the functions.
2 August 2019
If you are dealing with skin imperfections on your face, this can leave you feeling self-conscious. Whether you are concerned about acne that is difficult to treat with medication or you have wrinkles that you want to minimize, red light therapy can help. This is a form of light therapy that emits low-level light to targeted areas on your skin in an effort to boost collagen production and increase circulation. It is also called cold laser therapy or LED light therapy and is found in skincare clinics.